Many Meetings

The world is changing. I feel it on the internet. I smell it in the air. The time has now come where purse-strings will decide the fate of us all.
We must now face the long dark of the transfer window. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than Fairthorne in the deep places of Twitter. It is a three-month journey to the other side. Let us hope that our dealings may go unnoticed.
Alas, we have many meetings ahead. As Middle-Earth lays down to rest, Lord Wengermir and his council will be burdened by their own quests. We may find it easy to find fault with them from our perches across Middle-Twitter, but make no mistake: there are no shortcuts to signings. Not with ten thousand gold pieces could you find one.
It is for this reason that we should not be so quick to deal out death in transfers. Many who bid deserve new signings, and many who sign deserve nothing. Can you give it to them?
For the dark corners of the internet are calling all evil things to them. Scribes and ITKs are rife in these lands, with their forked tongues sputtering the language of Mordor (which I dare not utter here).
In these troubled times, it is imperative that we remain patient. No matter how you view Lord Wengermir and our closely-guarded coffers, he carries the fate of us all.
Many wish that the window had never come to us, or that none of this had happened, but that is not for us to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the rumors that are given to us. If that does not comfort you on these long Summer nights, I suggest a pinch of Old Toby to settle your nerves.
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